Sunday 19 May 2013


Injury has fallen upon chief gardener so a few sacrifices have been made in the planting department. Thankfully the potatoes, broccoli and some carrots went in last month. Also our 5 year old helped plant the garlic. Getting the last of the winter crops in is a must over the next couple of weeks - Leeks and any of the brasichaus.

Once again we are coping a battering from the grubs! The garlic/chilli spray has been used in force the last few weeks but they are still lingering. The sunflowers have especially been hit hard - okay so they are not going to feed us so the sacrifice is bearable. It makes you wonder if they are a deterrent or an attractant?

We also had a 2nd round of corn going well until a few late night visits from a possum - not the rusty one - alive and well, destine to be our next sacrifice. . .

Honey bee and native bees attracted to the pollen

Current rows - potato, broccoli, garlic, carrots and beans