Thursday 14 June 2012

Weed 'n Feed

The days are very nice at the moment, but a bit cool, so the growing has slowed a fair bit. When it’s like this I just try not to take my eye off the ball.

All seems to be going well, albeit slow, so I normally mix up some liquid seaweed fertilizer (liquid fish fertilizer) in water and sprinkle everything with the watering can. That way things are still getting pushed along gently and organically.

Turn your back for a minute & the weeds pop up outa nowhere!
Also since we have had a bunch of rain and wild weather there has been allot of weeds come up behind my back - so I just scratch these out so there’s no competition for everything. The beetroot, beans, broccoli, swede are all going very well. Something has given my snow peas a flogging not sure what but the tops been eaten off them as if a bird or other animal. I will get to the bottom of it!

Tips missing off climbing beans.... thinking Peter Rabbit has visited

Flowers emerging on the string beans,
baby beans not far away

Swedes, parsnip and brown onion -
should be ready for spring

In the next few days I will blog about collecting seeds from basil this is a good cheap seed replant – and I love it. Just waiting for them to dry out a bit more on the bush.

Happy farming!