Friday 27 July 2012

Seeing Double

We've been seeing double all this week around the house. First we were mesmerized by two grey kangaroos running around and around the yard trying to find a way out! There were a few nervous moments when one went into the 'top paddock' - upon later inspection surprisingly she (must of been a she) didn't trample one single plant!

The next day a pair of tawny frogmouths were perched quite low on a tree branch near the dam. Huddled up watching the sunset pretending to be asleep! What amazing creatures to be seen so close by the kids too.  I had time to race and get the camera too! I love any animal who likes to play statues - movement can really bugger up your shot!

As if that wasn't enough, two ducks have decided to brood in our backyard and dam this season - can't wait to see if little ducklings show up one day! Our 4yo has been asking about baby chickens, perhaps seeing ducklings around will fend off his requests... 

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